
De Mayor Quiero Ser Soldado, Película

"De mayor quiero ser soldado" es una película, Drama, que ha contado con la dirección de Christian Molina De Villanueva, en 2010. De mayor quiero ser soldado es de nacionalidad española con la participación de España (80.00 %) , Italia (20.00 %) . Este filme esta clasificado como no recomendada para menores de doce aÑos.

Sinopsis: “I Want To Be A Soldier” is the story of Alex, an average 10 years child who develops a morbid fascination for images portraying violence. He starts to have communication problems with his parents and other children at school and becomes withdrawn, inventing two imaginary friends, Astronaut Captain Harry and his alter ego, Sergeant John Cluster. When his mother gives birth to twins, Alex is unable to deal with the situation, feeling lonely now that his parents lavish all their attention on the babies.  Hurt and betrayed, he uses emotional blackmail to persuade his father to grant him his dearest wish:  a TV set for his bedroom. Through Television, Alex discovers an exciting new world... He is fascinated by images of war and violence that he becomes obsessed.

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Con la actuación de: Fergus James Riordan, Joelle Keyaert

Ficha Técnica de la Película

Distribución de la Película

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